
Tuesday 5 February 2019

What you need to know about compound bow stabilizers

Once you have gotten used to shooting a compound bow, weather it is for archery or hunting, you will want to look at what optional extras your bow supports. Generally speaking these are aids that will help you be more accurate with your shots.

Just like used compound bows, you can buy second hand stabilizers as they don't generally deteriorate with use.

These stabilizers will lead to the most noticeable improvement in your shooting. You have probably seen other people use them and they are the bar that sticks off the front of the bow. Originally, these were tubes made out of metal but nowadays it is more common to see carbon tubes instead.

There are 2 main benefits to using one;

When aiming you will be steadier because they act as a counter weight.

Carbon of course is somewhat lighter than metal. This makes it easier to hold your stance while not tiring your shooting arm. The stabilizer does have a weight at the end, which is how it keeps the bow steady. Due to the kinetic energy and rhythmic flow involved, this allows the arrow to follow a straight path. This means your shots will be more accurate. It also means you can reproduce the same shot over and over again.

It also reduces the amount of vibrations caused by shooting

The stabilizer will also reduce the amount of vibration caused when you release the arrow through dampeners. It is true that this is unlikely to affect your performance directly, but it results in a quieter bow and you will not notice the vibrations as much on your shooting arm.

The above should highlight that a compound bow stabilizer can be a great addition. If you are a target shooter, then you will want to get a longer one because they keep the bow more steady than the shorter versions which are typically used for hunting.

If you are looking at used compound bows then you might find that it comes with a range of accessories such as a stabilizer or bow quivers so be sure to check the item specifics. You usually have to pay extra if you are buying it new.